Snohomish family on beach pain free after chiropractic treatment.

Remember what life was like before your pain?

Call (360)568-3121 now to make an appointment.

You’ve found a  Snohomish chiropractor that has same day appointments available. Call now to get pain free soon!

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Neck Pain and Headaches

Auto Accident

Back Pain and Sciatica





Joseph Kicinski
Joseph Kicinski
23:18 09 Sep 22
Best chiropractic place in town! All the staff are super friendly and care about their patients! Highly recommend!!!!
Beckey Ranstrom
Beckey Ranstrom
17:03 28 Mar 22
I have had the best experience here. Fixed my neck and back. Very knowledge and doesn't waste your money on extras that are not needed.
Ryan Jakobe
Ryan Jakobe
21:33 20 Dec 21
Consistent pain relief from both chronic and acute issues. Great staff, clean office!
robert verme
robert verme
17:35 23 Apr 21
I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Milan because I was experiencing lower back pain. I found him, and his assistant Sandy, to be very friendly and helpful, and affordable. He took time to explain the spine structure and how chiropractic adjustments help to correct problems and then answered all my questions and concerns. After a gentle adjustment he also suggested stretching exercises, which have proved helpful. So one visit and the pain is gone! I highly recommend him and will return if I experience any further back problems.
April Ibarra
April Ibarra
14:12 01 Oct 20
Dr. Milan takes the time to go into detail about my treatments when I need him to, and doesn’t make me feel like they will be never ending. Dr. M and his staff are always so kind and helpful. Thank you Dr. M and Staff!
Alaina Lenway
Alaina Lenway
15:29 30 Sep 20
After hurting my back doing the splits without warming up, Dr. Milan S completely fixed it within three very fast sessions. He was kind, polite, and extremely professional. The whole ordeal was absolutely wonderful!During college I moved away and had hurt my back at a weight class. I didn’t want to travel back to Snohomish so I found someone near the college.Worst. Mistake. Ever.The place I went to had a doctor who “interviewed” me for thirty minutes while asking me to take off my shirt and then proceeded to massage me (I was not there for a massage). Then he stretched my back in a fast, jerky motion and began cracking without telling me what to do or what he was going to do. I asked him not to do my neck, but he did it anyway without telling me.The pain I was in lasted months. I finally went back to Dr. Milan S and had him fix everything.In one short and comfortable session, he did.Do not go anywhere else for a chiropractor. No matter where I live I will make my way to Snohomish. This place is the BEST.
Michelle Aalbu
Michelle Aalbu
16:56 29 Sep 20
The Dr. and staff are wonderful Very Kind The Dr. has been helping me with some leg issues. I appreciate everything that they are doing for me.Michelle Aalbu
Sara Morris
Sara Morris
02:23 29 Sep 20
Milan is wonderful! He always works with my crazy schedule! He is affordable and I leave feeling improved after each visit.I typically visit every 6-8 weeks for maintenance and prevention of low back and shoulder pain. Between this and my regular workout regimen, I am one happy, functional and pain free lady!Thanks Milan, for making it possible for me to continue to do what I love in the gym!
Surpreme Shrek
Surpreme Shrek
16:28 18 Sep 20
I was a little afraid to go to a chiropractor but they explain things first, and the treatment wasn't bad at all. After 3 treatments my back pain was gone. If you're nervous about going to a chiropractor you'll probably like them because they take the time to explain what the treatment is first before they do it.
Morning Fog
Morning Fog
22:03 04 Jan 19
I was referred to this office from my sister, but I've had a really bad experience with a Chiropractor before and disliked and distrusted ALL Chiropractor's, and never went...until I had an accident this last Christmas day.Dr Milan has helped me tremendously with my neck and headache issues (from a concussion) and has also relieved so much pain and stiffness from my Piriformis Syndrome.Sandy, at the front desk, is friendly and easy to work with as well...and the only reason I don't give this Dr and his office a 5 star review is because my insurance for the massage therapist isn't accepted(although it is for the Dr) - but they are finding me a good masseuse that does accept it!
Kathy Watkins
Kathy Watkins
01:09 10 May 13
I am so happy I found Dr. Milan - he has successfully diagnosed and treated my severe back issues in a very short time. He always takes lots of time explaining everything and has a very gentle technique. I have recommended him to several of my friends and they have all had great results with him.
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Snohomish Chiropractor FAQ’s

1. How to find a good Snohomish chiropractor near me?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 1, 2018

 How do you find a chiropractor?  It used to be browsing the chiropractic section of the yellow pages worked, but times have changed.  Here’s a few new ways, as well as ways that have worked for years.

Get a referral.  A chiropractic referral from family, friends, or your family physician is a good way to find a good chiropractor.   Most medical  doctors regularly refer to chiropractors for neck and back pain  treatment and will likely have a good chiropractor they recommend.

Search Google.  Google’s search engine for a chiropractor in your town is a great resource.  You can read reviews  and learn a little about the office from the Google search page.

Does the chiropractor have a website?    Websites are great sources of  information about the chiropractor and his/her office.  Learn as much as  you can about the chiropractor from the comfort of your home.

On our  website,,  we not only have a lot of information about me and my office, but I’ve  also posted several videos where I explain different aspects of my  office and the treatment I provide.  If you feel comfortable with the  information on the website, call for a consultation.

Meet with a chiropractor for a few minutes to see if you feel  comfortable with the chiropractor and confident in his/her abilities.   If you do, go ahead and make your appointment.  Also, ask a lot of  questions.  I tell people to write down all your questions at home as  you think of them.  It’s difficult to remember all of them when you’re  in the office.  Although we can’t take all day answering questions, a  good chiropractor will go over all your questions and concerns, so that  you feel comfortable with your treatment plan.  As a Snohomish chiropractor, I constantly encourage  questions in my office.  An informed patient is a good patient.

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll find a great chiropractor.   Feel free to call me at (360)568-3121 if you have any questions.  I’m  located in Snohomish next to Safeway.  Good luck!

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

2. Do chiropractic treatments hurt?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 3, 2018.

Does getting a chiropractic treatment hurt?  As a Snohomish chiropractor this is a common question I hear, especially for those who have never been to a chiropractor before.  The answer is almost always no.  There are numerous chiropractic techniques we utilize and the one’s we use in our office, especially with new chiropractic patients, are very gentle.

It is not unusual to have some slight soreness after the first treatment, similar to the kind of muscle soreness you might experience after exercising for the first time in years.  In my clinical experience I would estimate about 25% of first time patients experience some slight soreness after the first treatment.

 I typically recommend applying an ice pack for 20 minutes after the first treatment, which usually relieves the soreness .  Once the soreness is gone, the patient notices their pain level is greatly reduced.  It is rare to experience any soreness after the second treatment, only relief.

If you are concerned whether the chiropractic treatment will hurt, make sure to discuss this with your chiropractor before you begin care.  He or she can choose a gentler technique, one that will not cause you any pain, and a minimal amount of soreness.  If you have other questions, feel free to browse my website,, or call me at (360)568-3121.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

3. What is the goal of chiropractic treatment?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 4, 2018.

Being a Snohomish chiropractor I get this question all the time.  When you first come to see a chiropractor, you are usually in pain and want to get rid of your pain as quickly as possible.  This is the main focus of chiropractic treatment, but not the only goal.  The following will tell you how get the most from your chiropractic care.

The first goal of chiropractic treatment is to get you out of pain.  When you first begin chiropractic care, the treatment schedule and the type of treatment is what we call initial intensive, meaning the treatment will be rigorous, and the visits will be spaced closer together in order to break the pain cycle.  The goal is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible.  Once you’re out of pain we switch to phase two of chiropractic care.

The second phase of chiropractic care is rehabilitative care.  The goal of this phase is to strengthen the surrounding muscle structure, so that the vertebrae do not misalign and the pain doesn’t return.  This will involve exercises and stretching, most of which can be done at home, as well as continued chiropractic treatment.  As the surrounding structures become stronger and more flexible they will hold the vertebrae in proper alignment longer, allowing us to reduce the chiropractic treatment frequency.

Unfortunately, some people never get to this phase.  They discontinue chiropractic treatment once they are out of pain.  They will inevitably return because if the surrounding muscle structure is not strengthened, the vertebrae will eventually misalign, and the pain will return.  We then have to start with phase one again.

When the muscles that surround the vertebral column are strong and flexible, and holding the vertebrae in alignment, we’re done!  I release my patient from care, and encourage them to keep up with their stretches and exercises.  At this point, they only return for treatment as needed.  Should the pain return, they know to get in for a chiropractic treatment ASAP.  If they can get in right away, usually one or two treatments is all they need to get right back to pain free living.

Many of my patients are enjoying life without back or neck pain after years of suffering, after having followed this treatment plan.  You can too.  Call my office at (360)568-3121 or look through our website if you have any other questions.  I’m located in Snohomish next to Safeway.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

4. What does a chiropractor do?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 4, 2018.

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, you might be a little apprehensive.  You might have heard stories about chiropractors, and are not quite sure what to expect.  How do you find a good chiropractor, what is chiropractic, does a chiropractic treatment hurt?  Where do you start?

As a Snohomish chiropractor I get these types of questions all the time.  I’ll try to answer some of your questions here.  Look through the rest of my website and you’ll find the answers to some of your questions as well.

Firstly, chiropractic education is not what it once was.  Today, a chiropractor’s education is much more comprehensive than it was thirty years ago.  Most chiropractors, including myself, will have a Bachelor of Science degree, as well as a Doctor of Chiropractic degree.  The first degree is not unlike the same degree medical or dental students will attain (mine was a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology).

The second degree is the one in which you specialize in the type of care you want to provide.  The chiropractic program is 4 years long (on top of the 4 years for the first degree), and I can tell you it is a rigorous graduate program.  After completing the program, you not only have to pass national board exams, but state board exams as well.  If your chiropractor graduated within the last 20 years, believe me, they received a comprehensive education.

What chiropractic treatment involves is a little difficult to explain in a few paragraphs, but I’ll try to summarize.  The body is divided or classified into systems.  For example we have a reproductive system, a musculoskeletal system, a cardiovascular system, as well as many others.  The most important system, the one that controls and regulates all other systems is the nervous system.  The nervous system is comprised of the brain and the nerves that go throughout the body.  The main branch from the brain where most of the body’s nerves originate from is the spinal cord.

Because the spinal cord is such an important structure, it is protected by a bony housing called the vertebral column.  As the nerves branch off the spinal cord to go throughout the body, they pass through openings between the individual bones (vertebrae) that make up the vertebral column.  If individual vertebrae are misaligned they narrow the opening that the nerve root passes through, and this can irritate the nerve as it passes through the opening.

The result is usually localized pain, ie. back or neck pain, as well as other symptoms.  What chiropractors do is realign the vertebrae, remove the irritation to the nerve root, and the pain and other symptoms go away.  There are other ways a nerve root can be irritated, there are other structures involved like ligaments and muscles, and each individual case has different factors involved, but this is essentially what causes a lot of neck and back pain.

The realignment of the individual vertebrae can be accomplished in several ways.  Typically it will involve some stretching of the muscles surrounding the vertebrae, followed by a manipulation of the individual segment or segments.  The manipulation is usually a light push or pull of an individual vertebrae while the patient lies face down, face up, on their side, or even sitting in a chair.  The treatment doesn’t hurt, and relief from the pain typically follows pretty quickly after the manipulation.

Where do you start?  Well, firstly doing exactly what you’re doing now: gather information.  Getting a referral from a friend or family member is another good way to find a chiropractor.  Ask your medical doctor if they could recommend a good chiropractor.  Once you have a chiropractor in mind, set up a time to meet with him or her.  Discuss your problems, ask questions, and see if you feel comfortable with the chiropractor and his or her answers.  If you do, set up an appointment.

Although certain conditions take longer to correct, you’ll know after a few sessions if the chiropractic treatment is helping.  Follow the chiropractor’s advice, give the treatment a good chance to work.  People are getting relief from back and neck pain every day with chiropractic treatment.  Hopefully you will too.  If you have any other questions about chiropractic or your specific condition, feel free to give me a call at (360)568-3121.  I’m located in Snohomish next to Safeway.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

5. When should a chiropractor take x-rays?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 4, 2018.

As a Snohomish chiropractor I’m often asked, when should a patient have x-rays taken?  My answer is, it depends.  There are many factors that will determine whether I will recommend x-rays.

After taking a case history, I’ll learn more about what brought you to my office.  Some of the questions I’ll ask include, how long has the problem been bothering you, how it occurred, what makes it worse, what makes it better?  Was it a trauma or accident that brought it on, or did it seem to come on for no reason?

After taking a thorough case history, I’ll perform an examination of the area.  I’ll do orthopaedic tests and other tests to come up with a working diagnosis, from which I will start to formulate a treatment plan.

Taking all this information into account, as well as the age of the patient, previous medical history, previous history of chiropractic treatment, previous x-rays taken, as well as other factors, I’ll make a determination whether x-rays should be taken.

So you see a lot goes into the decision whether x-rays should be taken.  If there is a good reason to take x-rays I will.  It is a good diagnostic tool, and combined with a good case history and examination, gives me a better overall picture of the problem and helps me formulate an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plan.

If you have other questions, look through our website,, or call me at (360)568-3121.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

6. Once I see a chiropractor, do I have to keep coming back?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 4, 2018.

As a Snohomish chiropractor, I’ve heard this question asked many times, and I suspect this is one of the biggest fears preventing some people from seeking chiropractic treatment.  Now I can’t speak for other chiropractors, only for myself, but the answer is an unequivocal no, once you start seeing a chiropractor you don’t have to keep coming back for life.

Depending on the condition you present to my office with, you may need as little as one treatment, or as many as several months of care.  It just depends what the problem is.  I will design your specific treatment plan to fix your problem, I’ll give you some stretches and exercises to maintain your back or neck at home, and you’re done.

Once I’ve released a patient from care, they might come back at some time in the future if their back or neck starts bothering them again, and some like to come in once in a while for a tuneup, but I leave that up to the patient, and I certainly don’t require patients to keep coming back for ever and ever.

If you have other questions, have a look through my website or call my office at (360)568-3121.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

7. Will my insurance cover chiropractic care?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 4, 2018.

Will my insurance cover chiropractic care?  How much is all this going to cost me?  These are definite concerns patients have when deciding whether to seek chiropractic treatment, and as a Snohomish chiropractor I get this question all the time.  The answer is, it depends.

Most regular health insurance covers chiropractic treatment, but it depends on the insurance plan as to how much.  Health insurers know chiropractic treatment is an effective, less expensive alternative to some conventional treatments for neck or back pain, so the coverage is usually pretty good.  Call our office at (360)568-3121 and Sandy can check your coverage for you, so that you know exactly what your coverage is before you begin care.

Auto injuries and work injuries are covered under different types of insurance, auto insurance and Washington state Labor and Industries insurance.  In Washington State the coverage for chiropractic care under these insurance types is excellent, and usually covers 100% of the chiropractic treatment costs, leaving no out of pocket cost to the patient.

If you have no insurance coverage, don’t rule out seeking treatment.  Our treatment costs are very reasonable, and we can set up payment plans if necessary.  Missing time from work due to neck or back pain will definitely cost you more.

Click on the insurance section of our website, to find out more about insurance coverage and to see if we accept your insurance, or call our office at (360)568-3121 to find out more information.  Good luck.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

8. Does chiropractic treatment require a referral from an MD?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish Chiropractor on October 21, 2018.

A referral is usually not needed to see a chiropractor; however, your health insurance plan may have specific referral requirements. You may want to contact your employer’s human resources department—or the insurance plan directly—to find out if there are any referral requirements. Most plans allow you to just call and schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.  Click on the insurance section of our website to find out more about insurance coverage and call our office at (360) 568-3121 if you have any more questions, and to make an appointment.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

9. What conditions do chiropractors treat?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 21, 2018.

Chiropractors care for patients of all ages, with a variety of health conditions.  Chiropractors are especially well known for their expertise in caring for patients with back pain, neck pain and headaches. They also care for patients with a wide range of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, involving the muscles, ligaments and joints. These painful conditions often involve or impact the nervous system, which can cause referred pain and dysfunction distant to the region of injury.  A chiropractor will also often counsel patients on diet, nutrition, exercise, healthy habits, and occupational and lifestyle modification.

Call our office at (360) 568-3121 to answer any questions you have, and to make an appointment.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

10. Can children receive chiropractic care?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on October 22, 2018.

The answer is yes, children can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Children are usually physically active and experience different types of falls or blows from participation in athletics or just playing with friends on the playground. These falls or injuries can  cause symptoms such as neck or back pain, stiffness, soreness or discomfort. Our chiropractic treatment is always adapted to the individual patient, so of course the chiropractic manipulation that a child would receive would be more gentle and a lighter force treatment than that of an adult.

If you think your child is in need of chiropractic treatment, call our office at (360) 568-3121 to schedule an appointment.  You can also talk to the chiropractor before your child is seen to get a sense of what the treatment for your child would involve.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

11. What is the popping sound I hear what my back is adjusted?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish Chiropractor on October 24, 2018.

An adjustment or spinal manipulation will often result in the release of a gas bubble between the two adjacent vertebra within the joint itself, which makes a popping sound. It’s similar to the sound you hear when you “crack” your knuckles. The sound is caused by the change of pressure within the joint, which results in gas bubbles being released. There is usually minimal, if any, discomfort involved.

If you have any other questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call our office at (360) 568-3121.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

12. How long until I start feeling better?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on January 2, 2019.

Some patients report feeling immediate relief after a chiropractic treatment.  Others may take several treatments or more to see relief, depending on several factors.  Some of these factors include how long you’ve had the problems, the degree of the structural misalignments causing your condition, your age and overall health, how quickly your body responds to chiropractic care, as well as other factors.  Usually after two weeks of treatment you should see some improvement of your condition.  If you do not, we would discuss other options or changes in your treatment protocol because you should normally feel some improvement after two weeks.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

13. Is it OK to get chiropractic treatment if I’m pregnant?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on January 2, 2019.

Generally, it is safe to get chiropractic treatment during your pregnancy.  As your baby grows, the additional weight puts extra strain on your back and can cause pain.  Chiropractic treatment, as well as massage therapy, can be very effective in alleviating this pain.  Each patient is evaluated individually and the decision whether to treat a particular patient and what method to use will be individualized for each patient.  If you are pregnant and are experiencing back pain and discomfort, get a chiropractic evaluation to see if you would benefit from treatment during your pregnancy.

I personally provided chiropractic care for my wife during both her pregnancies right through the third trimester, and was fortunately able to give her some relief of back pain she was experiencing.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.

14. Are you open during Corona virus?

Posted by Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor on June 5th, 2020.

Yes, we are open during Phase 1.  Chiropractic treatment is considered an essential service. In our office we take all precautions.  All our staff wears masks and the therapy tables are completely wiped down after each patient. Counters, door handles and other surfaces that get touched are wiped down several times per day. We all want to get back to life as normal, and one of the ways to get there as soon as possible is to limit the spread of the virus by doing the things that we know help prevent the spread. If you have any questions, feel free to call us.

By Milan Stojakovic, Snohomish chiropractor.




Snohomish Chiropractor near me Q & A:

As a chiropractor in Snohomish I often get a lot of questions from prospective patients, particularly new patients who’ve never been to a chiropractor before. I enjoy answering these questions because if the patient is asking them they are usually serious about their care and an informed patient is a good patient. If I was going to see a chiropractor, especially if I’d never seen one before, I’d have a ton of questions.

Hopefully reading through some of these questions and answers will answer some questions you might have and if you’re thinking about trying chiropractic care and live in or near Snohomish feel free to give us a call. You are also welcome to email me questions you might have that aren’t covered yet in this Q&A section. You may see your question pop up in this Q & A in the future, anonymously of course.

Q:  What can I expect from my visit to a chiropractor?

A:  I’m going to answer this in two ways. What can I expect from my first visit to a chiropractor, and what can I expect from a typical visit to a chiropractor?

On your first visit to our office you’ll fill out a little bit of paperwork detailing your health history and specifically why you’re coming to see the chiropractor. I’ll then take a case history and ask questions about your health and your reason for coming to the chiropractor. I’ll then perform an exam specific to the areas you want treatment for and explain the results of this exam. If you need imaging, like x-rays or an MRI, I would send you to a local radiology center to get those taken.

After your case history, examination, and discussing the results of your exam I would outline a treatment plan to correct these issues, if they are issues that chiropractic treatment are likely to improve. If they are more suited to another type of treatment we would refer you to another provider. We can usually begin treatment during this first visit, so you can get relief immediately.

On a typical chiropractic visit that is not your first visit, I would inquire about your health and specifically the condition we’ve been working on; is it better, worse, or the same? I would then perform a brief exam of the area being treated, noting changes. We would then perform the chiropractic treatment, and finally modify the chiropractic treatment plan as you hopefully continue to improve. Obviously there’s much more to it than this, but this is a brief explanation of what to expect from your visit to our chiropractic office in Snohomish.

Q: I’m looking for a chiropractor in Snohomish but I’ve never been to a chiropractor before and I’m a little nervous?

A: This is a perfectly reasonable feeling, especially if you’re considering a new chiropractor or if you’ve never been to a chiropractor before. The first thing to do is gather information. Read reviews of a chiropractor you’re considering and take a look at their website. Our website is

A referral from a friend, family member, or even another healthcare provider is another good place to start. Once you start to gather more information hopefully you’ll start to feel a little more comfortable making that first appointment.

Be prepared to ask plenty of questions. The more open a chiropractor or any healthcare provider is to answering your questions, the more comfortable you’ll hopefully feel starting treatment. We’ve been practicing in Snohomish for 17 years and in that time I’ve had many people remark how open I am to answering their questions. We’ve developed a decent reputation in Snohomish and that’s led to a lot of referrals from current and former patients as well as other healthcare providers.

Q: What is a chiropractic treatment like?

A: Different chiropractors will use different techniques so not all chiropractors are the same, but I’ll describe how I treat chiropractic patients in my Snohomish office.

Firstly, I’ll ask how your condition(s) have progressed or changed since your last chiropractic treatment.

I’ll examine your spine and other areas we’ve been working on to note any changes and measure  progression.

Then I’ll usually start with some streching or traction of the paraspinal muscles.  Once I feel the muscles surrounding the spine are sufficiently relaxed, I’ll realign the spine using light force manipulation.  This spinal manipulation will be different for different regions of the spine, and different for people with different body types.

Finally, I’ll go over any questions you might have and discuss things to do at home to help your progression. There’s time I might make a recommendation to see another practitioner, such as massage therapy as well if that’s going to increase your liklihood of a successful outcome.

Q: How long will my back pain take to fix?

A: The truthful answer is it depends.  Chiropractic and massage therapy both are effective in the treatment of back pain, neck pain, whiplash and other similar conditions, but there are multiple factors that affect the length of time it takes to correct back pain.

Length of time with injury:

Typically the longer you’ve had the problem, the longer it takes to fix.

Severity of the injury:

This one makes sense, a minor injury usually takes a shorter time to correct than a more severe one.

General Health:

If you’re in good health generally, you’ll more than likely have a better outcome from treatment than if you were in poor health.  Ways to improve your general health includes exercise (strength and flexibility), adequate rest, and good nutrition.

Consistency of treatment:

Being consistent with your treatment and your home exercises plays a big part in how effective your chiropractic and/or massage therapy treatment will be.

There are other factors, but these are some you can control to improve your outcome from treatment.

Q: I’m motivated to get better. Where can I find more home exercises/stretches to do than my chiropractor gave me?

A: I love hearing this question.  Motivated patients are the most fun to treat/work with.  A great place to get started is youtube. I’ve found a ton of great information on all sorts of topics regarding health as well as other areas.

When it comes to health you have to be a little careful who you’re learning from.  A good rule of thumb is to search out some exercises and stretches on youtube and bring them to your chiropractor.  He or she can determine if they’re safe to perform. I’ve actually discovered new streches patients have found on youtube that I’ve recommended to other patients as well.

On a different but related note, if you’re in need of some home therapy equipment or even an icepack, amazon can be a good place to pick up therapy equipment that might be a little less expensive than purchasing from your chiropractor.  The only difference is, if your insurance is covering the equipment.  But if you’re already having to pay out of pocket, amazon can be a good choice.

Q: What exercises will help my back?

A: I’ve practiced in Snohomish as a chiropractor for 17 years now, and this is probably the most common question I get. There are many exercises that are good for your general health as well as the health of your spine.

When I talk to chiropractic patients about particular exercises there are two things the exercises should help develop; strength and flexibility.  Both are important for different reasons.

If you become strong but are not flexible you are prone to muscle injuries, and if you are flexible but not strong, you’re less likely to “hold” your chiropractic treatments and will need continuous care.

There are many great exercises you can do, so pick one that holds your interest and enjoyment, but keep in mind when you’re choosing your exercises; if it’s back health your interested in, analyze like a chiropractor.  Does it help my strength and my flexibility?

Q: What’s an overlooked aspect of health?

A: I was asked this question the other day, and I thought there’s a number of different ways I could answer this. The more I contemplated, the more the answer was clear: nutrition.

Speaking from my own experience , not as a chiropractor, improving nutrition has probably had the biggest impact on my own health.

What does good nutrition contribute to?

Disease prevention

Rebuilding muscle tissue

Providing energy for daily function

Optimal body function


These are just a few of the things good nutrition contributes towards (there are many  more).

Now take a look at the same headings and think about how poor nutrition affects each one:

Contributes to disease

Does not rebuild muscle tissue after injury or training

Lack of energy

Sub-optimal body function

Does not contribute towards longevity

As a chiropractor my primary function is restoring optimal function of the spine and related structures.  But as a healthcare provider it’s important to look at the overall health of the patient and good nutrition plays a major role.

Q: What chiropractic techniques do you use?

A: There are a number of chiropractic techniques utilized by chiropractors.  I utilize most of them at different times.  The short answer is I will use the chiropractic technique best suited for the patient.

Things that affect my decision on which technique to use are: body type and size, type of injury, successful/unsuccessful history of different techniques used in the past, patient’s tolerance level.

Another thing we do in our chiropractic office is some stretching before the chiropractic treatment.  If the muscles surrounding the spine are stretched and limber, the chiropractic treatment will likely be easier to perform and more effective.

So the brief answer to this question is we utilize different techniques but almost always spend some time stretching the patient before the chiropractic treatment, to get a more successful and gentler chiropractic treatment.

Q: Will you adjust my horse?

A: I’ve been a Snohomish chiropractor for many years, and I’ve been asked this question more than once.  Horses do get chiropractic treatment, but this is usually done by vetrinarians who have taken a course in chiropractic manipulation of animals. So unfortunately I don’t treat horses with chiropractic, but I know there are a few vets in town who do.  Here’s an interesting video of a chiropractor treating a horse.

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