When you call this Snohomish chiropractic office, you will talk to a live person.
How annoying is it to call a doctor’s office only to get an answering machine, or worse a computer that asks you to press numbers forever to talk to a person?
When you’re in pain and are looking for a new Snohomish chiropractic clinic call our office. You’ll either talk to our receptionist, Sandy, or our answering service (real person-not a machine) if it’s after hours.
If you want to make an appointment you can call anytime. If you have specific insurance related questions, it’s best to call during office hours as Sandy is the best person to answer insurance specific questions.
We can also email you all the intake paperwork to fill out before you get to our office. It may be a small thing but when you’re in pain completing paperwork, though it’s not a lot of paperwork, in the reception area can be aggravating. Why not complete the paperwork in the comfort of your own home, so when you get to the office you can be seen right away.
Give our office a call to be seen right away: (360)568-3121.

Chiropractic Pain Relief Clinic
1207 13th Street, Suite G
Snohomish, WA 98290
Tel: (360)568-3121
Fax: (360)568-9334
Email: snohomishchiropractor@gmail.com
Chiropractor’s Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri. 8am-6pm
Massage Therapy Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm by appointment